If you are reading this portion of my website, I want you to know that I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I became involved in photography back in 2016 when my son was born. After not prioritizing our elopement photos and missing out on pictures with family members who have since passed on, I realized how important it was to me to document every little moment. It became clear to me over the years that lifestyle photography was what I wanted to give to other parents. The natural and unposed moments that you look back on and think "Oh my goodness. Remember when he used to smirk like that? Remember how she would only stop fussing when we held her sideways and sway?" My goal is to not just give you photographs but memories that you and your children will look back on and cherish. So thank you for considering me for something that I know is so valued by us parents. A magical moment paused in time forever. 

If you are reading this portion of my website, I want you to know that I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I became involved in photography back in 2016 when my son was born. After not prioritizing our elopement photos and missing out on pictures with family members who have since passed on, I realized how important it was to me to document every little moment.

It became clear to me over the years that lifestyle photography was what I wanted to give to other parents. The natural and unposed moments that you look back on and think "Oh my goodness. Remember when he used to smirk like that? Remember how she would only stop fussing when we held her sideways and sway?" My goal is to not just give you photographs but memories that you and your children will look back on and cherish. So thank you for considering me for something that I know is so valued by us parents. A magical moment paused in time forever. 

The Heart Behind what i do

lynchburg lifestyle photographer

Disrupting the system. Steak. The color yellow. Snuggles. Alone time with a parent. Swings. Coloring. Jungle Book. Rapunzel. Throwing a mean left hook.

the party bringer


Dance parties. The Little Mermaid. Chocolate. Drawing. Rainbow sprinkles. Friends. The color pink. Taking pictures. Nail polish. Daydreaming. English.

pop star


Jurassic Park. Sonic. Marbles. Legos. Movie theatre dates. Popcorn. Math. Play dates. Tag.  Staying up late. The color black.

professional movie reviewer


Entrepreneurship. Rock climbing. Tattoos. Reading. Good bourbun. The color red.

husband/our rock


Snuggles with my babies. Dates with friends. Authenticity. Plants. Fantasy books. The color green. Iced coffee from Pink Flamingo. FRIENDS.



Milk. Pork chops. Snuggles with mommy. Playing with siblings. Avoiding curfew. 

The baby



The askews

I have four children - Benaiah, Darcy, Elowyne and Aelin. Having four kids under eight keeps life busy but it's a lot of fun!

Also, my son is so much more than just his autism diagnosis but if you're a mom with a neurodivergent child, just know that I come from a place of understanding and will make your session amazing for you and your kiddo!


Along with photography, my husband JB and I are co-owners of a local rock climbing gym, Rise Up. Some may assume that means I'm an avid rock climber but I'm actually terrified of heights! JB is also the owner of Iron & Earth which is where he works as a bladesmith. Yes, we are very entrepreneur-minded! 


fantasy novels("hello, Feyre darling") . iced espresso. plant shopping. thrifting. laid back hangs with close friends.


My Favorites